Thursday, February 2, 2012

Revelation from God

After knowing the news of someone who died last night, God reveal me the book of Jeremiah chapter 6 on last January 24, 2012, Tuesday morning. I read the whole chapter 6 and I found verse 11 and 21. On Jeremiah 6:21 – Therefore thus said the Lord, behold, I will lay stumbling blocks before this people, and the fathers and the sons together shall fall upon them; the neighbor and his friend shall perish. This was happen to the person that I know. Her third child and husband were already died. But before it will happen to her husband, I and Hanna had a plan to visit them and to pray. I know that God had anger to her but I didn’t control it. On Jeremiah 6:11 – Therefore I am full of the fury of the Lord; I am weary with holding in.

And I read the verse for the day from the calendar that I bought from National Books Store. On Exodus 20:5 – I the Lord your God am a jealous God. God is not only the God’s of love, He is a jealous God. We need to ignore our covetousness or selfish desire. God’s will is the only one good for us, not our own will or other persons will. If we will obey Him, He will bless you, your family and friends.

God Changes Me

I’m working in Laguna before; I’m seeking the presence of God. But I didn’t find Him on that place. When I’m going back to my province after vacation, God call me in Destiny Ministry International Lucena. The God call me like what He did to Abraham. On Genesis 24:7 – The Lord, the God of heaven, brought me from the home of my father and the land from my relatives, and he solemnly promised me that he would give this land to my descendants.
The time may past we go to UP Los Baños, the event was cross culture. And because of that event the Canadian visit on our church of DMI Lucena. God make me know Zabby and she pray for my bitterness, we both crying because of my wounds from the past. I repent and obey His calling, and because of I obey Him, and He talk with me that I receive the joy, protection and freedom. To confirm what I receive, we go to again in UP Los Baños where the event is family day and the Canadian was there. On 2 Peter 1:19-21 – So we are even more confident of the message proclaimed by the prophets. You will do well to pay attention to it, because it is like a lamp shining in a dark place until the Day dawns and the light of the morning star shines in your hearts. Above all else, however, remember that no one can explain by himself a prophecy in the Scriptures. For no prophetic message ever came just form the will of man, but men were under the control of the Holy Spirit as they spoke the message that came from God. So it is true that I receive the joy, protection and freedom from God. And also He makes me whole, and He said that I’m a princess and a beloved daughter.
After that on last November 25, 2011, I experience Encountering God’s Retreat at DMI Lucena. And this is the start of God’s aligning to my life; I feel the anointing and the very presence of God, He makes me a new born said on 2 Corinthians 5 :17 – When anyone is joined to Christ, he is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come. He give me a new name, Strong, it’s like what He did to Jacob on Genesis 32:28 – Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome.” And I receive fruit and gift of the holy spirit that said on Galatians 5:22 – But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. God give me a wisdom to His word and teach me how to devotion with Him. And because of knowing His truth, I was start to devotion. He teaches me every day and makes my heart to forgive and forget that said on Matthew 6:14-15 – For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
God did many miracles to me and His plan will make changes fast, this is the alignment of God.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Love Letter to God

Dear My Daddy God,

           I know You know me more than I know You. You love me more than I love You, the unconditional love that you gave it to me. I even if sin for You but You love me and forgive me again and again. You care me always and you gave me joy, protection, freedom and wholeness. When I come to You I’m seeking You before and then I found You. And now I feel Your presence and You are so faithful to me. You make me know You’re many promises, commands and warnings. Oh how I amaze in Your words, You makes me happy again and again and Your love is infinite. You teach me how to be faithful, patient and humble. When I was starting to obey, You bless me and my family. That’s how I’m so happy to remember Your goodness to me. And I will never forget it, till the end of my life. You know that You are the reason for everything and I don’t want to back into my old life. Because my old life will makes me weak. I always feel calm and rest with You. And You always refresh me in everyday of my life. I always want to glory You, glorifying You make me too happy. And this is the way to express my feelings to You that’s how I love You. Its turn to strong and I’m strong because of You. And I can do all things thru You. All of my life this is the wonderful experiences for me, that You are here in my heart forever. This is very memorable for me and I always remember what I receive from You a freedom and You want me to desire You more. I don’t want only to desire You more, but the passion to desire You. Thank You my Daddy God.

Your strong daughter,

Monday, January 16, 2012

He is the Reason

Your only one in my heart,
You always in my mind
And I want to know You more
Although I can’t see and touch You.

I feel Your presence
And You’re always beside on me
You love me unconditionally,
A love that can never be fail.

You gave me joy when I feel sad
You protect me when in times of trouble
You gave me freedom when I’m prison
You make me whole when I’m broken.

Thank You, my Daddy God
You’re all the reason for everything.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quality Standard Terumo

As Ex-Associate of Terumo we learn our Company Perspectives:
TERUMO Values--Contributing to Society Through Healthcare: We contribute to society by providing valued products and services in the healthcare market and by responding to the needs of healthcare providers and the people they serve. Open Management: We maintain a fundamental policy of open management, work to secure and return to our benefactors a suitable profit, and strive to develop our business on a global basis as befits a leading company in the industry. Enhanced Value: We emphasize the importance of scientific thinking, creativity, and time appropriation, and respond in depth to customer needs by creating valued products and services. Safety and Reliability: We pride ourselves on our commitment to the development of technologies and quality assurance systems that ensure safe, reliable products. Respect for our Associates: We emphasize respect for the individual, promote intercultural understanding, and encourage openness in the workplace in accordance with our slogan "Associate Spirit" as we prepare to meet the challenges of the future. Corporate Citizenship: We conduct our business activities in a fair and equitable manner and act responsibly toward the environment as we fulfill our responsibilities as good corporate citizens.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Why You?

When the first time I’ve met you,
I don’t know what I feel for you,
As time may past,
I began to discover you.

In every single day that I see you,
I feel so happy but with a little bit nervous,
And every time we talk each other,
I don’t know what to do.

I know I have already liked you,
Then I always ask myself the word “why you?”
As I know the girl you like will never be me,
And I’m just nothing for you.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A given name of Abigail is a meaning of joy

Abigail (Hebrew: אֲבִיגַיִל / אֲבִיגָיִל, Standard Avigáyil Tiberian ʾĂḇîḡáyil / ʾĂḇîḡāyil ; "her Father's joy" or "fountain of joy") is a female name occurring in Biblical narratives from the Books of Samuel, and reflected in the Books of Chronicles. The name Abigal occurs on one occasion, and is thought by the vast majority of scholars to be an alternate spelling of Abigail. There appear to be two individuals named Abigail:

  • The mother of Amasa. In the Book of Chronicles, and Septuagint version of the Books of Samuel, Abigail's father is identified as being Jesse, and she therefore would be a sister of David, but in the masoretic text of the Books of Samuel her father is named Nahash; scholars think that Nahash is a typographic error here, based on the appearance of the name two verses later. In the Book of Chronicles, Amasa's father is identified as Jether the Ishmaelite, but in the hooks of Samuel, Amasa's father is identified as Ithra the Israelite; scholars think that the latter case is more likely.
  • The wife of the wicked Nabal, who became a wife of David after Nabal's death. She had gone out to stop David from taking revenge against Nabal for his ingratitude towards David, warning him that vengeance was sinful and God would take care of the issue. Her accuracy in understanding God's will suggests that she is a prophetess. She became the mother of one of David's sons, who is named in the Book of Chronicles as Daniel, in the masoretic text of the Books of Samuel as Chileab, and in the Septuagint text of the Books of Samuel as Daluyah.
Abigail's self-styling as a handmaid led to Abigail being the traditional term for a waiting-woman (for example, Abigail, the waiting gentlewoman, in Beaumont and Fletcher's The Scornful Lady, published in 1616).

It is possible for both these women named Abigail to be different accounts of the same woman, as textual scholars regard the account in the Books of Chronicles as ultimately deriving from the Books of Samuel, and the references there to Abigail as a sister of David occur only in the passages which textual scholars attribute to the
court history of David, a document which doesn't mention an Abigail as one of David's wives.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Qualities of a True Friend

A true friend is hard to find. You may search your whole life to find one and still fail. How to recognize when you've found that one and real friend you've been seeking? Here are some tips:
A friend is someone:
  • You can cry on
  • You can laugh with
  • You can lean on
  • You can confide in
  • Who cheers you up when you're alone
  • Who seems to know what to do to cheer you up
  • Accepts you whether good or bad
  • Understands you no matter what
  • Backs you up when you're in trouble