Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Love Letter to God

Dear My Daddy God,

           I know You know me more than I know You. You love me more than I love You, the unconditional love that you gave it to me. I even if sin for You but You love me and forgive me again and again. You care me always and you gave me joy, protection, freedom and wholeness. When I come to You I’m seeking You before and then I found You. And now I feel Your presence and You are so faithful to me. You make me know You’re many promises, commands and warnings. Oh how I amaze in Your words, You makes me happy again and again and Your love is infinite. You teach me how to be faithful, patient and humble. When I was starting to obey, You bless me and my family. That’s how I’m so happy to remember Your goodness to me. And I will never forget it, till the end of my life. You know that You are the reason for everything and I don’t want to back into my old life. Because my old life will makes me weak. I always feel calm and rest with You. And You always refresh me in everyday of my life. I always want to glory You, glorifying You make me too happy. And this is the way to express my feelings to You that’s how I love You. Its turn to strong and I’m strong because of You. And I can do all things thru You. All of my life this is the wonderful experiences for me, that You are here in my heart forever. This is very memorable for me and I always remember what I receive from You a freedom and You want me to desire You more. I don’t want only to desire You more, but the passion to desire You. Thank You my Daddy God.

Your strong daughter,